Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Resurgence 2008 Text & Context Video

Resurgence has posted the video files for the Text & Context conference main sessions. You can stream them all from the Text and Context Media page or download the .m4v files below.

Mark Driscoll- Putting Pastors in Their Place
CJ Mahaney- Pastoral Character and Loving People
John Piper- Why I Trust the Scriptures
Jim Gilmore- Fear and Trembling in the Experience Economy
Matt Chandler- Preaching the Gospel from the Center of the Evangelical World
John Piper- How My Pastoral Ministry Shapes My Pulpit Ministry
Mark Driscoll- The Ox: Qualifications of a Church Planter
Matt Chandler- Vision of a Church Planter
John Piper- How I Distinguish Between the Gospel and False Gospels
Jim Gilmore- Decoding the Future, the Phoniness, and the Shifting Sands
Jeff Vanderstelt- Biblical Missiology
Darrin Patrick- Leading the Mission

An easier (in my opinion) way to get the videos is to subscribe to the
Resurgence video podcast (iTunes).

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Blogger annette said...

Really enjoying the posts you've got here, Nate. I listened to Matt Chandler's "Preaching the Gospel from the center of the evangelical world." Excellent. Humbling. Compassionate.

3:48 PM  

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