Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Calling in the favors...

Alright friends...if you know me, you know that I love books. And you know that there is something I love even more than books: free books! And you also know that I become a shameless self-promoting jerk when free books are involved. See below.

Well, Tim Challies is doing a book give-away over at his site. Here are the prizes:
All you have to do is enter your name and e-mail address and you are signed up for the book give-away. You can only enter once...but if you get people to use your referral code then you get an extra entry.

So here's what you can do to show me your love: in the next 10 days, click on the banner below and sign up, using my referral code.

sept Giveaway

If you want, you can send this link to your friends, family, work associates, etc.

And remember, every time you click on the Westminster Books icon on the right side of my blog, you help me earn free books also.

If I had any shame, I would hang my head in it. But these are free books we are talking about here. I told you I was shameless.

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